Saturday 17 October 2009

On your bike!

Right from the planning stage for the B and B I had always intended to get a new bike, with, and this is vital to me, a wicker basket on the front. It has taken me well over two years to get round to it as other jobs always seemed more urgent, but finally this week I have chosen the bike, and the basket, and should be able to collect on Thursday. We have excellent local shops where I am able to buy good quality breakfast ingredients and the bike will give me another option when I haven’t got time to walk but don’t really need to take the car.

Talking of walking, the weather was so beautiful this week that I decided to stroll along the beach to West Kirby and visit one of the many good cafés there. Half way along the beach I bumped into a former colleague, who I haven’t seen for years, and she told me that 40 something years ago she held her 21st birthday party in the lounge at Number Fifteen. Another idea that I’ve had for a while (like buying a bike) is to try and piece together the history of the house and discovering this may just spur me on.

1 comment:

  1. I have a bike with a wicker basket and I love it.
    I think finding out the history would be great.
    Why not ask the local paper to put out a call for anyone who knows about the house.
    It will mean some publicity for you too!
