Saturday 3 October 2009

A novel week

It is fair to say that every week at Number Fifteen is different. This week certainly had a "novel" feature. I'd been contacted by Liverpool journalist Jane, who is researching material for a novel she is writing featuring a 40 something year old woman (rather closer to 50 in my case!) who makes a career change and opens a B and B. Having discovered that I had done this myself just over two years ago she came out to interview me and to get a feel for what running a B and B is like. Even better, she's offered her services to help out for a day later in the autumn.

Earlier in the week we were delighted to receive the photo souvenirs of Number Fifteen's team win at the Royal Liverpool Golf Club. Congratulations to Chris, a guest, and Colin, our wonderfully supportive bank manager. We hope you enjoy the photos and also your prize golf bags.


  1. I had a wonderful time at number fifteen and I am so glad you have decided to enter the blogging world.
    Looking forward to my working day although I have a feeling it will be a lot harder than I expected!

  2. Number Fifteen is a brilliant b&b, the best I have ever seen, with amazingly low prices to match. I don't know how the bank manager can possibly be so supportive!

    Mrs Wagstaffe and I love the views from the lounge. The light changes all the time over the Welsh hills and Dee estuary, and the Royal Liverpool Golf Course is spectacular.

    We are looking forward to returning soon - if it is not already full!
