Friday 22 October 2010

Pumpkin Soup

This week's flower arranging task was such fun. The lantern-like stems are physallis, also known as cape gooseberries I think. They look stunning. And even better, once the arrangement was made I used the remaining flesh of the pumpkin to make soup. Waste not want not!

Friday 15 October 2010

Sunny October

September was a very busy month here, right to the end. So, at the beginning of October, we took some time off and went for a lovely sunny week in Portugal. An unexpected bonus was coming back from holiday to some still-warm October weather and the sight of people swimming in the sea at the end of our road. We're almost fully booked through till the end of October. This weekend we have wedding guests, hence the heart-shaped flower arrangement. I've decided flowers and food are both very hard for an amateur to photograph well, so you'll have to believe me that the arrangement looks good on the bookcase and that Nigella's rocky road bars are being consumed at a rate that suggest the guests like them!